Appel à communication : sites chimiques du XXe siècle

Publié le : 14/12/2012

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CALL FOR PAPERS: Sites of Chemistry in the 20th Century

Sites of Chemistry, 1600 - 2000

The Sites of Chemistry, 1600-2000 is a four-year project to investigate the multitude of sites, spaces and places where chemistry has been practiced since 1600.  These will be explored in a series of annual conferences, each devoted to a particular century.  A final conference in early 2015 will explore themes and developments over the whole period and on a broader comparative scale.

The first conference, on "Sites of Chemistry in the 18th Century," was held in Oxford at the Maison Française on 3-5 July 2011.

 The second conference, on "Sites of Chemistry in the 19th Century," was held in Valencia on 5-7 July 2012.

The third conference, on "Sites of Chemistry in the 20th Century," will be held at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, on 19-21 August 2013.  It will immediately precede the 9th ICHC conference in Uppsala on 21-24 August 2013,

For further details click on: the projecttopics and themesprogrammeplanned publicationsfundingorganization.

For further information contact the co-ordinators of the project, John Perkins, jperkins [at], and Antonio Belmar, belmar [at]